Ports Have Public Works Too!

2011 APWA Annual Conference



Ports Have Public Works Too! 

Port maintenance is very similar to public works with similar assets to manage - streets, traffic, buildings, fleets, utilities, and stormwater. Learn how the Port of Los Angeles conducted an operations, systems, and technology review and benchmarking effort to identify areas for improvement and see if they have applications and solutions that could be used by your agency. 

By attending this session, participants will be better able to: 

Discern how port maintenance is similar to public works maintenance and how both can learn from each other in business processes and staffing.Evaluate operational needs of Ports and examine options for better coordination and infrastructure planning with surrounding communities.Implement best business practices that can be applied to both ports and public works.


Amie Drotning 
Senior Associate, LA Consulting Inc, Manhattan Beach, CA 

James Morgan 
Director of Construction & Maintenance, Port of Los Angeles, Wilmington, CA


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